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Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma & Anesthesia Care for South-Asia

Policy Prioritisation of SOTA Care in South Asia

The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (LCoGS) data shows that the quality of surgical care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is poor. We analysed the National Health Policies of SAARC countries (except Bangladesh) for keywords relevant to surgery and surgical care.

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SOTA for South Asia: Shared vision of regional partners

There is rising global awareness of SOTA care access. Despite the global movement, focus on SOTA care in South Asia - one of the world's most densely populated, culturally diverse, and economically aspirational regions - remains limited.

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Burden of Surgically Avertable Disease - A Situational Analysis

LMICs have a high burden of surgical diseases, many of which are common and easily treatable. Case fatality rates for such conditions are high due to a lack of access to surgical care. The aim is to calculate the burden of surgically avertable disease in India, other South Asian countries, and the world.

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