Violence Against Healthcare Workers: Collaboration with Insecurity Insight
Status: Ongoing
Topic Tags: violence against healthcare workers, India, LMIC, health systems
SDG Tags: Good health and well-being
Scope: India and Global
Sponsors: None
ASAR Members involved: Aatmika Nair, Anoushka Arora, Aleesha Joykutty
Institutional: Insecurity Insight
Individuals: Dr. Christina, Dr. Rohini Haar
WHO defines workplace violence as situations where staff are ill-treated, intimidated or attacked in conditions related to their work, involving implicit or explicit challenges to their safety, well-being or health. 75% of doctors in India have dealt with at least one form of violence in their practice and the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a sharp rise in the yearly incidence, from 49 in 2017 to 155 in 2020.
ASAR is working in collaboration with Insecurity Insight. This non-profit organisation has developed the Taback-Coupland model to generate data on the impact of armed violence, intending to generate preventive policies. ASAR is among the many international NGOs working to collect and consolidate data on reports of violence against healthcare workers to contribute to Insecurity Insight’s global database and analysis.
Research Aims
The active surveillance of incidents of violence against healthcare workers in India to contribute towards Insecurity Insight’s global database and analysis of how healthcare is affected by violence.
Advocacy Aims
ASAR’s efforts are geared towards the collection of data pertaining to incidents of violence against healthcare workers. The analysis of this data guides the generation of suggestions regarding preventive policies and interventions which will be put forth as a petition to the public. By providing a strong sense of direction and tangible solutions, ASAR is working to spearhead legislative reform to better protect India’s healthcare providers from violence and brutality.